am slowly making a list of vintage and antique books i acquired. as i keep going will get pictures added for each one as well. what fun!
here we go in no particular order or any order at all just yet...AS i have found after working on this page virtually three or so days straight, library people really do have tiring exhausting work...research is fun, treasure hunting for old books is fun, but recording everything is not so least for me. i am exhausted, and keep getting all the books mixed up...was working on one box, then another, and never yet went back to get the many treasures all at once can be too much of a good thing...did i really just say that? maybe a nap, and then back to these books...! maybe even a new box full :)
if anyone can check it out and wants to see a first edition railroading book. it appears to be one of a kind and rare! yay. or it may not be rare at all or old. who knows. maybe i am just looking in the wrong places? i am hoping to have photos of the rare art of railroading volume 5 published by railway publications society posted soon on my blog. thanks
sorta like this in swedish before google translate..faltskarus berattelser indelas i cykler hvardera innehallande tre berut telser hviika sig emellan stu i narmare sammanhang..and sorta like this in english after google translate...well not even close google translate! this is definitely not english..but then again i dont have a keyboard with the fancy swedish letters with dots over i am not getting correct spellings using english letters to write swedish words to translate...doesnt quite work.....faltskarus stories divided into cycles bequeath Containing three berut liabilities hviika themselves between stu in closer connection
some interesting history of swedish american immigrants who knew?
company address of the book publisher...
The Holy Bible Master Guide Edition philadelphia national bible press copyright 1939
national publishing company
red letter edition
self pronouncing
master guide to the scriptures.
between 1852 and after , according to the history of h.o. houghton & company which is shown inside this book as the printing company, is when the book would have been actually says riverside press, h.o. houghton & company in that order.
so i have no clue actually still what the date would be of this book The Manliness of Christ by Thomas Hughes
on the title page it also shows seventeenth edition houghlin mifflin and company...
.so back to the dating of the printing company link....brings us the book published in this case is 1872 or newer, not originally 1852 as first thought prior to researching further.
and who knew that all of this company history would be bought out by rand mcnally? which it was much later in the cambridge history link provided..
still havent found a history of when the book of the seventeenth edition would have been printed by houghlin mifflin and company. if you find it, please let me know too!~.
Hardcover. Illustrated by Eric PapT. Original red buckram, stamped in gilt and light green, sunned spines. Plates throughout with tissue covers. Wallace's first novel, written in 1873, seven years prior to Ben-Hur. Printed at Riverside Press. Gilt edged page tops.
The Fair God from the spanish of fernando de alva copyright 1898 boston and new york mdcccxcix houghton mifflin and company the riverside press cambridge...again no the same company link info for the last book link to cambridge history may help date this book as well!~~
there are no copies of this out of print book available. except for my first edition volume 1 hard cover copy. if anyone is interested. i only found this... so far with no ebooks available. perhaps i should make an ebook out of it..hmmm. it is called God: His existence and his Nature by Garrigou-Lagrange volume 1 it is signed inside to someone as a gift and dated 1934 in the handwritten message. the book is also dated 1934 as a first edition.
this is not my copy but gives an idea of what is out there similar.... date wise, it is not Even Close!
however this small hard cloth cover book is a copyright 1921 and published 1923 copy that i have. i really need more photos here. but will get them soon. The Shorter Bible The Old Testament 1923.
i have the 36th edition so the 2nd stereotype revision which shows in the following link as 1865- up to 1908
it is called Scripture manual Simmons publisher Dodd & Mead publisher. no copies found for sale.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~next is P Vergers De Turfdrager von Haarlem. i have no clue a thing about this book except that it is old. very rare - cant find another copy anywhere and it was made in amsterdam and has no date i can see.

Paulus' forsta och andra brev till tessalonikerna. stockholm 1949
found a 1918 book called Unity of Good by Mary baker Eddy
the front cover has a cross and a crown inside a circle all embossed in gold with the words Heal the Sick, raise the dead cleanse the lepers and cast out demons.
how could i pass that up? very interesting cover! will post a picture soon. as the book cover was, figured i may as well check out who the author really was. Quite an interesting life and story found on wikipedia.

oh why not...right? worth a try! we go in no particular order or any order at all just yet...AS i have found after working on this page virtually three or so days straight, library people really do have tiring exhausting work...research is fun, treasure hunting for old books is fun, but recording everything is not so least for me. i am exhausted, and keep getting all the books mixed up...was working on one box, then another, and never yet went back to get the many treasures all at once can be too much of a good thing...did i really just say that? maybe a nap, and then back to these books...! maybe even a new box full :)
if anyone can check it out and wants to see a first edition railroading book. it appears to be one of a kind and rare! yay. or it may not be rare at all or old. who knows. maybe i am just looking in the wrong places? i am hoping to have photos of the rare art of railroading volume 5 published by railway publications society posted soon on my blog. thanks
google translate faltskarns berattelser is surgeons stories in swedish. af is of or by Z. Topelius.
forsta cykeln is first cycle...does that mean first edition??? smile emoticon
konungens Ring. is The Kings Ring
svardet och plogen is the sword and the plow
eld och vatten is Fire and water.
so am guessing there are three stories told by a surgeon about a ring, a sword and fire. great.
sjunde upplagan...seventh edition!!!! guess not first then....ok...
reviderad af guessing this means revised by author
illustrerad af carl larsson illustrated by carl larsson
forsta cykeln is first cycle...does that mean first edition??? smile emoticon
konungens Ring. is The Kings Ring
svardet och plogen is the sword and the plow
eld och vatten is Fire and water.
so am guessing there are three stories told by a surgeon about a ring, a sword and fire. great.
sjunde upplagan...seventh edition!!!! guess not first then....ok...
reviderad af guessing this means revised by author
illustrerad af carl larsson illustrated by carl larsson
svenska amerikanaren i doubt google translate means this to say swedish american car. it most likely means swedish american company? possibly?
35 south clark street room 1 chicago ill.
no clue on the rest...sigh...
so it is a seventh edition but when was it copyrighted or printed???
35 south clark street room 1 chicago ill.
no clue on the rest...sigh...
so it is a seventh edition but when was it copyrighted or printed???
some interesting history of swedish american immigrants who knew?
company address of the book publisher...
The Holy Bible Master Guide Edition philadelphia national bible press copyright 1939
national publishing company
red letter edition
self pronouncing
master guide to the scriptures.
between 1852 and after , according to the history of h.o. houghton & company which is shown inside this book as the printing company, is when the book would have been actually says riverside press, h.o. houghton & company in that order.
so i have no clue actually still what the date would be of this book The Manliness of Christ by Thomas Hughes
on the title page it also shows seventeenth edition houghlin mifflin and company...
.so back to the dating of the printing company link....brings us the book published in this case is 1872 or newer, not originally 1852 as first thought prior to researching further.
and who knew that all of this company history would be bought out by rand mcnally? which it was much later in the cambridge history link provided..
still havent found a history of when the book of the seventeenth edition would have been printed by houghlin mifflin and company. if you find it, please let me know too!~.
Hardcover. Illustrated by Eric PapT. Original red buckram, stamped in gilt and light green, sunned spines. Plates throughout with tissue covers. Wallace's first novel, written in 1873, seven years prior to Ben-Hur. Printed at Riverside Press. Gilt edged page tops.
The Fair God from the spanish of fernando de alva copyright 1898 boston and new york mdcccxcix houghton mifflin and company the riverside press cambridge...again no the same company link info for the last book link to cambridge history may help date this book as well!~~
there are no copies of this out of print book available. except for my first edition volume 1 hard cover copy. if anyone is interested. i only found this... so far with no ebooks available. perhaps i should make an ebook out of it..hmmm. it is called God: His existence and his Nature by Garrigou-Lagrange volume 1 it is signed inside to someone as a gift and dated 1934 in the handwritten message. the book is also dated 1934 as a first edition.
this is not my copy but gives an idea of what is out there similar.... date wise, it is not Even Close!
however this small hard cloth cover book is a copyright 1921 and published 1923 copy that i have. i really need more photos here. but will get them soon. The Shorter Bible The Old Testament 1923.
i have the 36th edition so the 2nd stereotype revision which shows in the following link as 1865- up to 1908
it is called Scripture manual Simmons publisher Dodd & Mead publisher. no copies found for sale.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~next is P Vergers De Turfdrager von Haarlem. i have no clue a thing about this book except that it is old. very rare - cant find another copy anywhere and it was made in amsterdam and has no date i can see.

![]() |
De Turfdrager van haarlem |
![]() |
by p. vergers |
Paulus' forsta och andra brev till tessalonikerna. stockholm 1949
copyright 1922 hymns of praise for the church and sunday school compiled by f.g. kingsbury Hope Publishing Compnay Chicago, Illinois
Bible Studies for the Home for every day in the year helps for the devotional hour copyright 1892 by j.l. sooy a.m.
Sing a New Song compile by charles f. weigle and gladys b. muller copyright 1946 Distinctive Gospel SOngs for worship services, evangelistic meetings and radio programs...van kampen press chicago illinois
plane surveying Barton as shown on cover. Elements of Plane Surveying including leveling by samuel marx barton ph.d. revised. copyright 1904 and 1913
von hillern's hoher als die kirche is shown on the cover of this small sized book. the title page inside says heath's modern language series Hoher als die kirche von wilhelmine v. billern edited with notes and vocabulary by s. willard clary formerly instructor in german, university of michigan and provided with direct method exercises. d.c. heath & co., publishers boston new york chicago.copyright 1891 and 1907 by d.c. heath and co. In the introduction there is a note to the edition of 1916. The introduction is in English. The book is in English and another language.
j h jowett, m.a., d.d. a character study by frank morison 1911
bible study for bible students Craig Vol. 1 cokesbury press copyright 1926 tennessee
found a 1918 book called Unity of Good by Mary baker Eddy
the front cover has a cross and a crown inside a circle all embossed in gold with the words Heal the Sick, raise the dead cleanse the lepers and cast out demons.
how could i pass that up? very interesting cover! will post a picture soon. as the book cover was, figured i may as well check out who the author really was. Quite an interesting life and story found on wikipedia.
also found is Miscellaneous writings 1883-1896 mary b. g. eddy same book cover on this one as well only this one is a thicker book. 17th edition published 1897 copyright 1896. here is a link to more information about this year.i have not yet taken a photo of my book but will add it to my blog when i do..someone else posted the rest of the following info which is very helpful!~
Prophezei Schweizerisches Bibel werk fur die gemeinde 1. mose 1-11 die urgeschichte 1. teil von lic. walther zimmerli Prof. an der universitat zurich. Copyright 1943 printed in switzerland. definitely not in English. still have no clue what i just typed here but did so as much as possible without the right keyboard to copy what the front cover shows on this hardcover book.
google translate didnt help much...said German language was detected and it translated the front cover to the following:
Prophecies Swiss Bibelwerk prehistory 1st part of lic for the municipality 1. Moses 1-11 . Walther Zimmerli Professor at the University of Zurich .
Prophecies Swiss Bibelwerk prehistory 1st part of lic for the municipality 1. Moses 1-11 . Walther Zimmerli Professor at the University of Zurich .
still need photos and research for these:
1. The Poetical Works by John Milton 1847 i am guessing first edition small book about 2 inches thick x 5 inches tall,......if interested in reading it there is a library of congress stamped copy at the following link!~
2. Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey An Inland Voyage Macmillan's Pocket Classics by Robert Louis stevenson 1922
3. Titcomb's Letters by J.G. holland fiftieth edition
4. polishing and plating of metals hawkins 1904
5. dream life a fable of the seasons by marvel new york charles scribner 1852 entered 1851
6. scenes beyond the grave trance of marietta davis froom notes by rev. j.l. scott 22nd edition 1878 entered according to act of congress 1858
7. journeys through bookland charles sylvester copyright 1909 volume 2
8. practical course in modern locksmithing by whitcomb crichton 1943 nelson-hall co. publishers chicago, U.S.A. cpyright 1943
9. The Holy War made by King Shaddai upon Diabolus for the regaining of the metropolis of the world. the losing and taking again of the Town of Mansoul. by john bunyan with explanatory, experimental and practical notes by the rev. george burder embellished with 68 engravings.
10. Livy Books XXI and XXII The History of Rome by Titus Livius copyright 1896
11. everyman's library edited by ernest rhys The Drama includes stories A Doll's House, The wild duck, the lady from the sea. (5th edition) reprint 1915 copyright plays by henrick ibsen
12. Roman aus dem alten Nürnberg - 2. Band (German Edition) (German)
by Georg Ebers (Author)
means the second band or second printing i am guessing? zweiter band
1. The Poetical Works by John Milton 1847 i am guessing first edition small book about 2 inches thick x 5 inches tall,......if interested in reading it there is a library of congress stamped copy at the following link!~
2. Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey An Inland Voyage Macmillan's Pocket Classics by Robert Louis stevenson 1922
3. Titcomb's Letters by J.G. holland fiftieth edition
4. polishing and plating of metals hawkins 1904
5. dream life a fable of the seasons by marvel new york charles scribner 1852 entered 1851
6. scenes beyond the grave trance of marietta davis froom notes by rev. j.l. scott 22nd edition 1878 entered according to act of congress 1858
7. journeys through bookland charles sylvester copyright 1909 volume 2
8. practical course in modern locksmithing by whitcomb crichton 1943 nelson-hall co. publishers chicago, U.S.A. cpyright 1943
9. The Holy War made by King Shaddai upon Diabolus for the regaining of the metropolis of the world. the losing and taking again of the Town of Mansoul. by john bunyan with explanatory, experimental and practical notes by the rev. george burder embellished with 68 engravings.
10. Livy Books XXI and XXII The History of Rome by Titus Livius copyright 1896
11. everyman's library edited by ernest rhys The Drama includes stories A Doll's House, The wild duck, the lady from the sea. (5th edition) reprint 1915 copyright plays by henrick ibsen
12. Roman aus dem alten Nürnberg - 2. Band (German Edition) (German)
by Georg Ebers (Author)
means the second band or second printing i am guessing? zweiter band
and this means the old nurnberg German... aus dem alten nurnberg
AS FOUND ON AMAZON DESCRIPTION...Georg Ebers (1837-1898) war ein deutscher Ägyptologe und Schriftsteller. Neben populärwissenschaftlichen Büchern schrieb Ebers auch historische Romane. Grundlage seiner Romane bildet seine wissenschaftliche Arbeit zur ägyptischen Geschichte und zum Mittelalter. Das hier vorliegende Werk umfasst insgesamt zwei Bände und erzählt eine spätmittelalterliche Romanze aus Nürnberg. Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahre 1895.
AND GOOGLE TRANSLATED: Georg Ebers (1837-1898) was a German Egyptologist and writer . In addition to popular science books Ebers also wrote historical novels . Basis of his novels makes his scientific work on Egyptian history and the Middle Ages. This plant here comprises a total of two volumes and tells a late medieval romance from Nuremberg . Reprint of the original edition from the year 1895.
next small old book!!!` The Story of Perugia by Margaret Symonds and Lina Duff Gordon. Illustrated by M. Helen James. London 5th edition May 1904
if you still want the original hard cloth covered book i have the 5th edition from 1904..
here is a Gutenberg project copy to view online that i found....
if you still want the original hard cloth covered book i have the 5th edition from 1904..
here is a Gutenberg project copy to view online that i found....
Eclectic school readings Stories of Old France by leila webster pitman copyright 1902 London. american book company
Cushing's Manual twenty-fourth thousand prnce 38 cts. alll stated on cover in gold embossed lettering.
Manual of Parliamentary Practice Rules of Proceeding and Debate in Deliberative Assemblies. by Luther S. Cushing. 1857
Manual of Parliamentary Practice Rules of Proceeding and Debate in Deliberative Assemblies. by Luther S. Cushing. 1857
The Life of Mary Baker Eddy by Sibyl Wilbur copyright 1907, 1908, 1913, 1923, 1929 printed in U.S.A. leather cover gold edge pages book.
Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son by George Horace Lorimer revised edition written in Gregg Shorthand. Shorthand plates written by Georgie Gregg.H51.W.B.C.-3 Ch
Burg Neideck, Novelle
Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich, 1823-1897 Thats right this is a copyright 1893 book in good condition for its age.~ the preface and introduction sections of the book are in English. The actual story is in German i believe.
Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich, 1823-1897 Thats right this is a copyright 1893 book in good condition for its age.~ the preface and introduction sections of the book are in English. The actual story is in German i believe.
forenta staternas historia according to google trranslate this means US History in detected language of Swedish. printed in chicago, il. 1874 entered into library of congress 1873
just doing a little research and found some history on a very old book i have here called Black Boy by Richard Wright. At four years of age, Richard Wright set fire to his home; at five his father deserted the family; by six Richard was - temporarily - an alcoholic. Moved from home to home, from brick tenement to orphanage, he had had, by the age of twelve, only one year's formal education. It was in saloons, railroad yards and streets that he learned the facts about life under white subjection, about fear, hunger and hatred. Gradually he learned to play Jim Crow in order to survive in a world of white hostility, secretly satisfying his craving for books and knowledge until the time came when he could follow his dream of justice and opportunity in the north.
no clue what the words or date are for this book. the cover looks pretty amazing though!~i believe this is the title..NEUER DEUTSCHER JUGENDFREUND
and from finding a similar copy of the cover i found this description...about as helpful as the book...i do not read this language...
hope the following matches my book!~

Franz Hoffmann's neuer Deutscher Jugendfreund
für Unterhaltung Veredelung der Jugend
mit vielen Abbildungen
45. Band
Verlag von Schmidt & Spring
ca 1892
für Unterhaltung Veredelung der Jugend
mit vielen Abbildungen
45. Band
Verlag von Schmidt & Spring
ca 1892
Nachricht schreiben
1939 Bible Picture ABC book by Elsie E. Egermeier The Warner Press 1939
and the next one has pictures below as well....Poems Progress Lizzie Doten 1871
De Heilige Evangelien en de Handelingen der Apostelen 1920
oops interruption, before i forget here are the chairs..
and the next book is....De Heilige Evangelien en de Handelingen der Apostelen 1920
Hiawatha by longfellow undated....
WHittier's Poems
The Abbe Constantin 1895
The Words of Jesus 1943
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